しば胃腸こうもんクリニック - Shiba International Anus Clinic

🔵🔵 4月の土曜休診日はありません。🌟休診:土曜(月2回)、水曜、祝日、日曜 🔴土曜はご予約のみの診察 🔹🔹受付時間:10:00AM~12:15 🔶🔶3:00PM~5:45      

🔴For BOOKING, Enter 1111 in top line if you are the first visitor. For repeater enter 2222, *Name in the 2nd and 3rd, DOB in 4th, E-mail in 5th , TEL in 6th, Zep code in 7th, Any city in the bottom. 🔵Get 📲iPhone、 SCREEN SHOT📳 the time and the day. Thank you.  🌟 Do not ask about appointment time from CONTACT or ✦do not schedule by e-mail but phone

🌟いぼ痔、痔瘻(⁂注意:じろうは専門施設でないと診断、治療の完結難しいです)、日帰り手術、鎮静剤での内視鏡をしてます(⁂7月~港区検診の胃内視鏡は鎮静剤は使えません)***理念*** 💛来院される、みなさまへの安心感と患者様への日常生活の改善への積極的なアクション2024年は💖優しい声、日常から専門性の最先端の技術の修練、知識の収集 💖LGBTQへの極力サポート 



🔹🔹受付時間:10am~12:15 🔶🔶3pm~5:45                                                                                 ★★お電話でのご予約・お問合せは、診療受付時間内にお願いいたします。★★ 🌟緊急は常時                                         🔴システム基盤体制充実加算(診療内容によっては、マイナンバーカード***¥0円 *<保険証で¥10円>**転職など覚えあるかたは事前にお伝えください。自費診療となる場合があります。🌟自費診療とは、各医療施設で設定した価格をいい、健康保険の点数とは別のものです。ーーー 初診料 ¥16000 ーー

🔵🔵 We speak ENGLISH   🔵🔵 Our doctor speaks English. Assistant doctor and Most of Nurses speak more English and Korean too, Receptionists are extremely friendly and smile☺☺💖. Don’t worry.    

🔵🔵PRINCIPLE🔵🔵 We always consider comfortability and safety for all coming here and try to take action by making 💖sweat voice tone :2023 and improve our professional skill and knowledge and make your activity daily life much better, and we eager to support💕 LGBTQ. We keep our 💖 health and mental health by regular check up.  ●PAY PAY, a Credit card is available. ALI PAY 支付宝: 双迎 使用★🔴Health insurance qualification system is working by on line system here. All patients have to pay up to 10 yen or less additionally by those new system by minister of labor and health.  It sometimes costs less With my number card than with health insurance card. If it not be qualified, the price would be set up by different system. Out of insurance fee:the first consultation Fee ーーー¥16000ーーー

🔺🔺 Call us whether we work or not on Friday afternoon. ✦ We may ask you to wear mask when we have serious disease or age patients near you in order to protect those from the view of *spread COVID-19 or other flu.  🔺Please refrain from being ▲the first visit at 10am, 3 pm affecting all patients with appointment unless EMERGENCY                                                     🔹🔹Reception time🔹🔹         10:00~12:15 pm   🔹🔹3:00~5:45pm